Monday, November 07, 2005

Basic Eschatological Frame

I see a basic "Pauline" eschatological "frame" lying upon the surface of 1 Cor 15; Eph 1; Col 1 which fits Rom 8 very nicely - in other words, these "eschatologically oriented" texts are remarkably consistent in their implicit (and apparent) assumptions and explicit claims.

Begin with 1 Cor 15.

Paul asserts (explicit claims on his part):

  • Christ has risen from the dead as the "firstfruits" (organic beginning) of the resurrection of all who belong to him (15:20-23).
  • His coming marks "the end" when all who are his will be raised with him (he has already been raised but our being raised is with him due to the organic connection = one harvest).
  • When "the end" occurs, he delivers the kingdom over to his Father (15:24).

These two events, the resurrection of Jesus and his "return" set a frame of reference in which Paul must be understood.* Verses 24-28 fill in some details.

  • He will deliver the kingdom over to the Father after destroying every rival rule, authority and power (24b).
  • He must reign until all of this is accomplished - meaning the victory already won by King Jesus in the heavenly realms being implemented on earth (cf. Col 1-2).
  • This refers to the present state of affairs in principle / invisibly (verse 27).
  • This state of invisible affairs is coming into visibility - all things which have been subjected to him are being subjected to him (25 and 28 taken together).

Coming soon, comparison with Rom 8; Eph 1 and Col 1 to see if i can substantiate my claim above marked with an *


At 3:17 AM, Blogger Michael F. Bird said...

Robbie, Does 1 Cor 15 imply a millenial reign? Also, does Col and Eph have a more realized eschatology than 1-2 Thess, 1 Cor 15, and Rom 8?


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